Narcotic and Explosive Dogs
Here are some pics of Narcotic and Explosive Dogs during training sessions. Once certified, these dogs have to continue to train to keep their skills up. It also helps the dogs stay eager to always want to work. These dogs are required to work 10-12 hour long shifts. During the shifts the dogs are rotated to give them all adequate breaks.
Bear-Certified Narcotic Dog
Tinkerbelle-Certified Narcotic Dog
Charlie-Certified Explosive Dog
Chief-Certified Explosive Dog
Huck-Certified Explosive Dog
Jack-Certified Explosive Dog
Jenny-Certified Explosive Dog
Lil Pete-Certified Explosive Dog
Minnie-Certified Explosive Dog
Toby-Certified Explosive Dog
Woody-Certified Explosive Dog
Finn-My own Explosive Dog I'm training
More pics of Finn training
Finn is now certified and working
This page was last updated: April 11, 2013